Using a yes/no question to display or hide an item or assembly line

Before you begin

If you have not already added a yes/no question to the database model, do so now. How?

To use a yes/no question to control whether a line is displayed or not:

  1. Add the selected item or assembly to the model on a line that falls below the yes/no question you are going to use.
  2. Right-click on the line header and select Apply line display logic.
  3. In the formula bar where your cursor appears, right-click and select List Questions.
  4. From the Question List, select the yes/no question you want to use and click [OK]. The name of the selected question appears in green in the field.
  5. Enter the following in the formula bar after the inserted question: = YES,YES,NO
  6. Example: IF(Q7=YES,YES,NO). This formula states the following: If the check box on line 7 is selected, then yes use this item or assembly; otherwise no, do not use this item or assembly.

  7. Click [OK] to save your model.