Entering default values using question formulas

Before you begin

If you have not already opened the Model window and selected the model you want to work with, do so now. How?

To enter a default value using a question formula:

  1. Place your cursor in the field where you want to enter a default.
  2. Right-click and choose List Q-formulas. (You can also enter a calculation in the field and save it as a question formula. How?
  3. From the Question Formula List, select the question formula you want to use and click [OK]. The name of the selected question formula appears in pink in the field.
  4. Estimating requires that the question formula calculate a value that is compatible with the line type. For example, if you are entering a formula to calculate the default value for a numeric question, Estimating checks to see if the question formula you choose returns a numeric response and warns you if it does not.
  5. When you are finished, press Enter.


  • Press ESC to remove = from the field without entering a default.
  • You can move your hover tip over the formula name to display the formula calculation.
  • If you enter an invalid formula in the field, a red triangle appears. Move your cursor over it to view the details of the invalid formula.
  • Instead of choosing from a list of available question formulas, you can create an ad hoc formula to calculate the default. How?