Generating a model to the spreadsheet

After you complete the model interview and the model status is Ready to Generate, you can send the model to the estimate. The generation process pulls all the items and assemblies from the model into the spreadsheet.

Before you begin

Open the estimate that contains the model you want to generate. How?

To generate a model to the spreadsheet:

  1. Open the Model Takeoff window in one of these ways:

    • On the ribbon, on the Takeoff tab, click .
    • In classic view, click Takeoff menu > Model Takeoff, or click on the toolbar.
  2. In the Model Takeoff window, select Estimate as the source and choose a model that has a status of Ready to Generate from the list.
  3. Click [Generate].
  4. In the Generate Models window, Estimating lists all the models in the estimate with a status of Ready to Generate or Ready to Re-Generate. The model you selected is marked. You can select more than one.
  5. Click [OK]. Estimating begins generating items and assemblies into the spreadsheet.
  6. During the process, a progress bar appears at the bottom of the window and the generation log lists each model generated along with its items and assemblies. Any problems found during generation appear at the end of the log.
  7. To stop the process, click [Cancel]. Any items or assemblies processed at this point are included in the estimate and the model status changes to In Estimate - Generated with Errors.
  8. When processing is complete, click [OK].
  9. Click [Close] to return to the Model Takeoff window. All items and assemblies from the models are now included on the estimate and the model has a status of In Estimate. (If errors occurred, the model has a status of In Estimate - Generated with errors and should be taken off again. How? )
  10. Click [Close] again to return to the spreadsheet.


  • Even after generating a model, you can modify and regenerate it as often as necessary.
  • After you generate a model to the spreadsheet, its items and assemblies appear at the appropriate level based on the current spreadsheet sequence. Since Model is an available sorting level, you can easily reorganize the spreadsheet by model. How?