Examples of question formulas in line headers


Question formula name

Question formula


9 Door Area

= Q8 = YES

These question formulas determine the question that will load based on the answer to Q8 "Is this opening a door?"

A YES answer would load Q9, "What's the area of the door?"

A No answer would load Q10, "What's the area of the window?"

10 Window Area

= Q8 = NO

N/A Calc Footing Width"

=IF (Q11 <= 8, YES, NO)

This question formula determines whether a specific item, in this case a 12" footing, will load based on the answer to Q11, "What is the wall height in feet?".

These question formulas determine the question that will load based on the answer to Q8 "Is this opening a door?" A YES answer would load Q9, "What's the area of the door?" A No answer would instead load Q10, "What's the area of the window?"

Question formula name: Door Area

= Q8 = YES

Question formula name: Window Area

= Q8 = NO

This question formula determines whether a specific item, in this case a 12" footing, will load based on the answer to Q11, "What is the wall height in feet?".

Question formula name: Calc Footing Width"

=IF (Q11 <= 8, YES, NO)


  • Estimating names each question in the model Q#, where # is the number of the line that contains the question. Select a line and click image\qproprty.gif to open the Properties window, where you can change the name of a question.
  • image\formula.gif appears in line headers that contain formulas.