Adjusting productivity for an assembly

You can adjust the productivity for an assembly during takeoff or when reviewing assemblies after takeoff. When adjusting assembly productivity during takeoff, we recommend that you enter the dimension values before you adjust the productivity. Entering the dimension values first makes it easier to reach your productivity target.

To adjust productivity for an assembly:

  1. On the Assembly Takeoff window, right-click the takeoff grid, and then select Adjust Productivity.
  2. Enter the adjustment percentage in the Adjust Assembly Productivity window.
  3. To increase productivity, enter a positive percentage.
  4. To decrease productivity, enter a negative percentage.
  5. Click [OK].

Sage Estimating adjusts the total cost for the assembly and displays the new amount in the bottom border of the Assembly Takeoff window.

A red triangle appears on the items in the takeoff grid to show that the productivity has been adjusted and is pending. It also appears on the Extension tab of the Detail window, in the Convert field, for assembly items whose productivity has been adjusted.

Your productivity adjustments are temporary at this point. You can reverse (undo) the adjustments until you make them permanent by finalizing them.

Tip: Only the items currently in an assembly are affected during productivity adjustment. Any items you add later (from item tables, select-at-takeoff or manually) will not reflect the adjustment.