Sorting a list

You can arrange a list in a different order by choosing one of the sort options available.

Before you begin

Open the List window if you have not already done so.

To open a list, use one of the following methods:

  • Click image\list.gif next to a field.
  • Click image\pulldown.gif in a field or cell.
  • Press F10.

To sort a list of entries:

  1. (optional) Select the source option to display a list of entries from either the current estimate or standard database.
  2. Use one of the following methods to select the sort option that is most useful to you.

    Note: Not every List window has both options.

    • Select your option from the Sort item list by drop-down list.
    • Right-click the item list area, and then choose your sort option from the Sort item list by list.

    Typical sorting options include Description and Phase/Item. You can also set up your own item sort sequences. How?

  3. If necessary, press [¬] to collapse a list or [®] to expand a list.