Changing an item price

To change an item price:

  1. On the spreadsheet, click the appropriate category Price cell for the item. For example, to change the item's material price, click the Material Price cell.
  2. Enter the new price.
  3. If other items in the spreadsheet are linked to this item, the following question appears: Would you like to update prices for linked items?
    • Click Yes to change the prices of linked items too.
    • Click No to change the price of this item only.
  4. If the spreadsheet contains duplicates of this item, the following question appears : Would you like to update prices for duplicate items?
    • Click Yes to change the prices of duplicate items too.
    • Click No to change the price of this item only.

Tip: To view a list of linked prices for an item, select Show Links on the shortcut menu from the item's material, labor, or equipment price column. Show Links appears on the shortcut menu only if the unit price is linked.