Modifying an existing estimate report

You can modify reports you added to Report Manager.

To edit an existing estimate report:

  1. Check out the report so that you can edit it.

    In Report Manager, in the Reports Catalog pane, right-click the estimate report you want to edit, and then click Check out.

    Report Manager generates a copy of the report in your computer's local Reports folder that you can edit.

    Note: You cannot change the path where the local copy is stored. The file path to your local copy of the report design file is always Reports > {report ID} > {report name}, where {report ID} is the number displayed in the Report ID field of the Report Manager toolbar (at the top of the Report Manager window).

    An example showing the Report ID for the report design file

    Tip: Click [Open Report Design Folder] to view the folder contents.

  2. Use the same report designer to modify the report design as you used to create the report.

    Tip: The file extension indicates the program used to create the report.

    • Crystal Reports use the RPT file format.
    • SSRS Reports use the RDL file format required by Microsoft SQL Server Report Services.
    • Custom Reports use whatever file format is required by the report design software (for example, DOC, XLS, and so on).
  3. When you finish editing the report design, check in your changes to the custom report database.

    In the Reports Catalog pane, right-click the report, and then click Check-in.

    Report Manager removes the copy of the report from your computer's local Reports folder.