Optimizing databases

Over time, there can be significant changes to your databases that can affect the performance of your Sage Estimating system. For example, indexes can become fragmented, slowing down many processes. Optimizing your databases periodically can improve performance.

Before you start

Make sure no other users are working with the databases you are going to optimize. None of the fields on Optimize Databases tab are available until you confirm that you have exclusive access to the databases.

To optimize databases:

  1. On the ribbon in the Estimating Management Console, click the [Tools] button.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Optimize.
  3. After verifying that no users are working with the databases you are going to optimize, select the Exclusive access confirmed checkbox on the Optimize Databases tab.

    Estimating Management Console displays all your Sage Estimating standard and estimate databases in the table.

  4. In the table, select the databases you want to optimize.

    Tip: Use the [Select All] or [Clear All] buttons if you want to select or to clear the all the databases in the list.

  5. Click [Optimize].