Preparing Sage Estimating for Integration with Sage Intacct Construction
Before sending estimates to Sage Intacct Construction, you need to perform certain tasks in Sage Estimating to ensure that Estimating cost codes and categories are properly matched with Intacct Construction tasks and cost types.
These are the general steps you'll follow to prepare Estimating databases for integration with Sage Intacct Construction. Detailed steps are provided in later sections.
Turn on the Sage Intacct Construction interface for the standard database.
See Turning on the Intacct Construction interface in the next section for more details.
Make sure that job cost phase for each Estimating phase is assigned to the desired Sage Intacct Construction tasks.
Make sure that each standard database item category is assigned to the desired Sage Intacct Construction task and Sage Intacct Construction cost type.
Tip: When integrating the standard database with Intacct Construction, select the Add cost types to items option so that you won't have to enter the cost types manually.
- Make sure that you select the type of quantity (Qty. to Job Cost) for each database item you plan to send to Sage Intacct Construction. You can select Order Quantity, Takeoff Quantity, or None. Typically, you would select Order Quantity.
Make sure that database addons are assigned to the correct Sage Intacct Construction task and cost type.
Tip: You can save time and effort by using Database Editor to match job cost phases and database items to the corresponding Sage Intacct Construction tasks and cost types, and to choose the quantity to job cost.
Turning on the Sage Intacct Construction interface for a standard database
Set up standard databases individually to interface with Sage Intacct Construction by turning on the interface in the Estimating Management Console:
Open the Estimating Management Console.
In the Estimating Management Console, click the Standard Databases tab.
From the list in the Standard Database Catalog pane, select the standard database you want to integrate with Intacct Construction.
In the Job Cost Information section of the detail pane, select Sage Intacct Construction as the job cost interface .
Click [Setup] to open the Sage Intacct Construction Sign in window.
In the Sign in window:
Enter the ID for the Sage Intacct Construction company you are integrating with Estimating.
Enter the user ID and password you use to sign in to the Intacct Construction company.
Click [
The Job Cost Integrator window opens.
In the Sage Intacct Construction Integrator window:
Select a default Intacct cost type for the Estimating Labor, Material, Subcontractor, Equipment, and Other category boxes. (Recall that categories in Estimating are cost types in Intacct Construction.)
Sage Estimating uses the default cost types to prefill the associated JC . . . Cat boxes for each new item you create.
Example: If you select a cost type of LAB for the Labor box, each time you add labor pricing to an item, the item's Labor JC Cat box automatically displays LAB.
To add Intacct Construction cost type information automatically to existing items in your standard database, select the Add Sage Intacct Construction categories to items checkbox. You only need to do this once for each standard database you integrate.
Tip: This step can save you time when you match items to Intacct Construction cost types in your standard database.
- Click [OK] to return to the Estimating Management Console.
- Verify that the Sage Intacct Construction company you selected in step 7 appears in the Company name box of the Job Cost Information section in the Estimating Management Console.
Click [
Verify standard database phase settings
Both Sage Estimating and Sage Intacct Construction use the concept of phases. However, in Sage Intacct Construction, phases are called tasks.
It is likely that the phase structure used in Sage Estimating is not the same as the task structure used in Sage Intacct Construction. You use the Database Phase window in Sage Estimating to tell the application how to align the two structures. Basically, you create a map for the Export Job Cost wizard to use when you transfer data from a phase in Sage Estimating to a task in Sage Intacct Construction.
To verify standard database phase settings:
In the Estimating application, open the Database Phase window.
- On the ribbon, from the Data tab, click . group on the
- In classic view, click Database > Phases.
- From the spreadsheet, right-click in a phase row, and then click Edit Phase on the shortcut menu.
Important! Make sure the Database option is selected.
Beside the Job cost phase box, click the list button
to open the Select Sage Intacct Construction Task window.
To assign the Sage Intacct Construction task to the Estimating phase, double-click the task.
You are returned to the Database Phase window.
You can use the same Sage Intacct Construction task for many different Estimating phases.
If you enter a phase takeoff total for an estimate, that amount is sent to Intacct Construction as production units, denominated in the task's production units. For example, if you enter “5 weeks” as the phase total in the estimate, but the production unit of measure for the task is months, the estimate entry in Intacct Construction will be 5 months of production units.
- When you are finished, click [Close].
Verify standard database item settings
The Database Item window is where you define the Sage Intacct Construction task and Sage Intacct Construction cost type to use with a standard database item, and specify which quantity to send to Sage Intacct Construction.
To verify standard database item settings:
Open the Database Item window:
- On the ribbon, from the Data tab, click . group on the
- In classic view, click Database > Items.
In the Database Item window, click the Job Costtab.
The information you enter on this tab creates a map for the software to use when you transfer information from Sage Estimatingto Sage Intacct Construction.
For each item in the standard database, you need to select the Intacct Construction task and cost type for each category's Job Cost Phase and Job Cost Category, as shown in this screen:
When Sage Estimating sends the estimate item to Intacct, the item entry includes the task and cost type you select on this tab.
Note: You can use the sameSage Intacct Construction task and cost type for any number of estimate items.
Click in the Job Cost Phase field, and then click the list button.
The Database Job Cost Phase List window opens.
Locate and double-click the Sage Intacct Construction task for which you want to send the item information when you export estimates to Sage Intacct Construction.
When you double-click an item, the Select Intacct Construction Task window closes and you are returned to the Database Item window. The Sage Intacct Construction task you selected appears in the Job Cost Phase box.
Note: You can also manually enter a phase. Be sure to follow the format set up in Sage Intacct Construction . If the phase does not exist in Sage Intacct Construction , you can create it during the import.
Click in the Job Cost Category box and then select from the list the cost type to use with the item entry when you export estimates to Intacct Construction.
Note: You can also enter a cost type manually .
Be sure to click in the Job Cost Category box, not the standard database item Category box. The database item Category box is used for pricing and does not have any impact on the Sage Intacct Construction interface.
Select the item quantity to send to the selected Sage Intacct Construction category by selecting the item quantity from the Qty to Job Cost list.
Your cost accounting needs should dictate which option you choose.
- Takeoff qty sends to Sage Intacct Construction the takeoff item quantity for the category.
- Order qty sends to Sage Intacct Construction the order item quantity for the category.
- None sends to Sage Intacct Construction the total dollar amount for the job cost phase and job cost category. It does not send quantities, so the unit price field in Sage Intacct Construction will be blank.
Click [OK] and [Close] when you are done.
Note: You can also make changes to the Sage Intacct Construction phase and category from the estimating spreadsheet itself.
Verify standard database addon settings
To view the database addon settings:
Open the Database Addonswindow:
- On the ribbon, from the Adjustments group on the Data tab, click Addons.
- In classic view, click Addons. menu >
- From the Totals
window, click
or select Edit Addon from the shortcut menu.
In the Database Addon window, select the Allocatable checkbox to make an addon cost eligible for allocation when the estimate information is sent to Sage Intacct Construction .
Note: To actually allocate the addon, select the Allocate addons checkbox in step 2 of the Sage Intacct Construction Export wizard (in the Estimating software).
To send the addon costs to a specific Sage Intacct Construction task and cost code, click [Job Cost ] and then in the Job Cost Options: Adding Addons window:
For the Job cost phase, select the Sage Intacct Construction task.
For the Category, select the Sage Intacct Construction cost code.