Check Model report

The Check Model report lists, line by line, any problems found during the Check Model process. By reviewing this report, you can determine how to make a model produce the desired results. At the end, the report lists the total number of errors and warnings. These errors and warnings are usually self-explanatory. Below are a few possible situations.

Examples of Check Model warnings
Warning Comment

Question is not used

Check Model found no references to the question in the model.

If you do not need the question, you can delete it.

New variable added

Formulas in the database have changed since the model was created. The item or assembly now uses a variable that it did not use before.

Unused variable default was deleted

Formulas in the database have changed since the model was created. The item or assembly no longer uses a variable that it used before. Check Model deleted the default that was set up for the variable because it is no longer needed.


Examples of Check Model errors
Error Comment

Question has errors due to a moved or a deleted line

Check Model found a question formula in the line that references another line below it, or the referenced line has been moved or deleted.

Question formulas can only use questions that precede them in the model.

Assembly not found

The line references an assembly that has been deleted from the database.

Delete this assembly from your model or replace it with one from the database.

Assembly is a group assembly

The line uses an assembly that is a group assembly.

Group assemblies are top-level headings used to organize assemblies and do not have any item information.

Delete this assembly from your model or replace it with a regular assembly.

Select at Takeoff item does not have a default value

A Select-at-Takeoff item in the assembly does not have a required default value.

Assemblies that use Select-at-Takeoff items as placeholders for items to be selected during takeoff must have a default value when included in a model.

Items in assembly not found

The assembly uses an item that has been deleted from the database.

Fix the assembly, delete this assembly from your model, or replace the assembly in your model with another assembly.

Item tables in assembly not found

The assembly uses an item table that has been deleted from the database.

Fix the assembly, delete this assembly from your model, or replace the assembly in your model with another assembly.

Defaults need to be entered

You are trying to hide variables without entering default values for them.

Check each variable you want to hide and enter any missing defaults.

Item not found

The line references an item that has been deleted from the database.

Delete the item from your model or replace it with one from the database.

<Formula Name> Invalid Question formula

The formula contains incorrect syntax or does not return the correct type of value for the line.

Delete or correct the formula.

Formula not found

The line references a formula that has been deleted from the model.

Delete this formula from the line or replace it with another formula.

Invalid Line Use Formula

The formula in the line header contains incorrect syntax or references a deleted question.

Delete or correct the formula.

Text is not a valid formula

The line contains a formula with incorrect syntax.

Delete or correct the formula.

Question default is not a valid formula

The formula used as the default value contains incorrect syntax or does not return the correct type of value for the line.

Delete or correct the formula.

Value cannot be converted to Yes/No

The line or formula cannot use the related Yes/No question or variable type to determine a value because it has somehow been left empty.

Enter a value for the Yes/No question.