Database Model keys

As you create a database model, you can use the keyboard to access available commands.

From anywhere in the model
Keys Action


Opens the Default Display Options window


Opens the Properties window


Collapses lines in the model.


Expands lines in the model.


Displays help for the window.

From a line in the model
Keys Action


Copies the selected text to the clipboard.


Cuts the selected text.


Pastes the text previously cut or copied.


Adds a yes/no question line.


Adds a text question line.


Adds a numeric question line.


Adds a Lookup question line.


Opens the Assembly List window.


Opens the Item List window.


Opens a window where you can select an image to include.


Adds a separator line.


Opens the Adding Question Formula window


Opens the Question List window.


Opens the Question Formula List window.


Opens the Function List window.


Opens the Calculation window.

From a line header in the model
Keys Action


Copies the selected lines to the clipboard.


Pastes the lines previously copied.


Deletes the selected lines.

From item or assembly lines
Key Action


Opens the Rate Table, Location, or WBS Value List window, if available.