Modifying a model after takeoff

You can make changes to a model after you generate it to the spreadsheet. As in the initial model takeoff process, you can access the model from the Model Takeoff window, make changes to the interview, and regenerate the model to the spreadsheet. Regeneration affects only the items and assemblies you have modified during the interview.

To modify a model after takeoff:

  1. Open the Model Takeoff window in one of these ways:

    • On the ribbon, on the Takeoff tab, click An image of the Assembly Takeoff icon on the ribbon.
    • In classic view, click Takeoff menu > Model Takeoff, or click the Model Takeoff button in classic view on the toolbar.
  2. In the Model Takeoff window, select the estimate model you want to change.

    In the Model Takeoff window, use one of the following methods to open a model in the Interview window.

    • Select a model and click [Interview].
    • Double-click on a model in the list.

    The source option indicates whether the Model Takeoff window lists models in the database or in the estimate.

    • To takeoff a new model, choose from the list of database models. Note that each time you select a database model, you are actually making a copy of it as an estimate model.
    • To view a model in progress or already generated to the spreadsheet, choose from the list of estimate models.
  3. In the Interview window, make the desired changes.

  4. Click [OK] to save your changes.

  5. Click [Close].

  6. In the Model Takeoff window, regenerate the model to the spreadsheet. For more informationi, see Regenerating a model to the spreadsheet.

Tip: When you can progress no further in the model, you may eventually do some fine-tuning on the spreadsheet. After that, you should avoid making changes in model takeoff because regenerating may destroy some of the details you entered in the spreadsheet.