About allocating addons to Job Cost entries

The following table shows the results of different options you can select for allocating addons.

Options for allocating addons
Allocation settings on the addon Job Cost settings on the addon Interface option to allocate addons

Resulting entries in Job Cost

Not allocated No Phase/Category No interfacing allocation

No addon amounts are sent to Job Cost


No Phase/Category

No interfacing allocation No addon amounts are sent to Job Cost


No Phase/Category

Interfacing allocation selected

Addon amounts are included in cost type distribution amounts in Job Cost

Not allocated No Phase/Category Interfacing allocation selected

No addon amounts are sent to Job Cost

Allocated Phase/Category included No interfacing allocation Addon amounts are sent to Job Cost distributed to specific Phase/Category on the addon
Allocated Phase/Category included Interfacing allocation selected Addon amounts are included in distribution amounts in Job Cost
Combination (Not allocated and Allocated) Phase/Category included Interfacing allocation selected

Unallocated addon amounts are sent to Job Cost distributed to specific Phase/Category on the Addon.
Allocated addon amounts are included in cost type distribution amounts in Job Cost

Combination (Not allocated and Allocated) No Phase/Category Interfacing allocation selected Unallocated addon amounts are not sent to Job Cost.
Allocated addon amounts are included in cost type distribution amounts in Job Cost