Export Data (Alternate Statuses)

Note: This feature is available only with a Sage Estimating (SQL) SQL product license. (It is not available with Sage Estimating Essential.)

You use this window to export a list of statuses to a file in Microsoft Excel format. You can easily modify the list in Excel and then import the status file back into the Edit Alternate Statuses window.

This capability can be useful for sharing a status list among various estimates or Estimating users in your company.

Note: All status lines must be valid before you can export the statuses to Excel. For example, you cannot add a blank line to the grid and then export the statuses to a file.

To export a status list, you click the [Export] button in the Edit Alternate Statuses window.

When the export process is complete, the Export Data window displays a [View Log] button. Click the button to view a report of the export details.