Changing rows in an assembly

You can use the commands on the shortcut menu to change the contents of a row in the assembly. These commands are available from the item grid in the Assembly window.

To change a row, right-click a cell in the first three columns, and then choose one of the following commands. A ü appears beside your selection.

  • Use Item allows you to insert an item from the standard database.
  • Use Item Table allows you to insert an item table.

    Note: This feature is available only with a Sage Estimating (SQL) SQL product license. (It is not available with Sage Estimating Essential.)

  • Use Select at Takeoff allows you to set up an item to be selected at takeoff.
  • Substitute <xxx> allows you to replace the entry in a row. The name of the command indicates what kind of selection you can make.
  • Edit <xxx> allows you to modify the standard database records indicated by the command name.
  • Set Default Selection allows you to choose the default for a select-at-takeoff item. When the item list opens, choose the default item to be used when taking off this item.
  • Row Commands let you manipulate the rows in the item grid.