Changing an existing crew resource
Open the Resources window in one of the following ways:
- On the ribbon, from the Crews group on the Data tab, click Resources.
- In classic view, select Database menu > Crews > Resources.
- From a crew or rate table, right-click a cell in the Resource column, and then select Edit All Resources from the shortcut menu.
- (optional) Choose which resources appear in the list.
The source option indicates where the displayed crew is stored. You can change a crew either in the estimate or in the standard database.
- Use Show to choose the type of resources that show in the list.
- Make changes as needed. You can:
Enter resource notes.
- Click on the resource in the grid.
- Click [Notes].
- Enter the notes in the Resource Notes window.
- Click [OK].
- When you finish changing crew resources, click [Close] to save your changes. Changes are saved to either the estimate or the standard database, based on the Source.
Tip: To change a specific resource in a crew or rate table, right-click the resource and choose Edit Resource from the shortcut menu.