Adding a formula or a variable "on the fly"

You can add formulas and variables "on the fly" while you add or edit formula tables or item tables. If a variable or a formula does not exist in the Variable / Formula List window, you do not have to interrupt your workflow to set up the variable or formula, or edit an existing one.

You can open the Variable / Formula List from the Database Formula Table window or the Item Tables window by:

  • Clicking [Add].
  • Displaying an existing table, and then clicking Two Dimensional.

To edit an existing variable or formula:

  1. Open the Variable / Formula List window.

  2. In List type box, select Variable or Formula to display the type of list you want to work with

  3. Select the variable or formula you want to edit on the list in the Variable / Formula List window.

  4. Click [Edit Variable] or [Edit Formula], depending on whether you displayed variables or formulas.

    You can also right-click the variable or formula, and then select Edit Variable or Edit Formula from the shortcut menu.

  5. Use the Database Variable or the Database Formula window to change the properties of the variable or formula.

To add a new variable or formula:

  1. Open the Variable / Formula List window.

  2. In List type box, select Variable or Formula to display the type of list you want to work with

  3. Click [Create Variable] or [Create Formula].

    You can also right-click anywhere in the list, and then select Create Variable or Create Formula from the shortcut menu.

  4. In the Adding Database Variable or the Adding Database Formula window, enter properties for the new variable or formula.