Uniformat system

The Uniformat system has 12 divisions (group phases) which follow the progress of constructing a building.

Uniformat divisions and phases
Divisions (Group phases) Phases

01 Foundations


011 Standard Foundations
012 Spec. Foundation Cond

02 Substructure


021 Slab on Grade
022 Basement Excavation
023 Basement Walls

03 Superstructure


031 Floor Construction
032 Roof Construction
033 Stair Construction

04 Ext. Closure


041 Exterior Walls
042 Ext. Doors & Windows

05 Roofing


061 Partitions
062 Interior Finishes
063 Specialties

06 Int. Closure


07 Conveying Sys.


08 Mechanical


081 Plumbing
082 H.V.A.C.
083 Fire Protection
084 Spec. Mechanical Syst

09 Electrical


091 Services & Distribution
092 Lighting & Power
093 Spec. Electrical Syst

10 Gen. Cond. OH & P


11 Equipment


111 Fixed & Movable Equip.
112 Furnishings
113 Special Construction

12 Site Work


121 Site Preparation
122 Site Improvements
123 Site Utilities
124 Off-Site Work