About Address Book

Address Book is a database of company and personal contact information. Contacts for Sage Estimating (SQL) include the subcontractors, clients, engineers, and architects you work with, as well as your own company information.

Every contact you create in Address Book is either a company contact or a person contact. You can associate a person contact with a company contact. The company and person contact relationship usually represents the employees who work for a company.

Note: The Address Book is a necessary component of Sage Estimating (SQL). After installing Sage Estimating (SQL) and creating your SQL databases, the Estimating Configuration wizard automatically creates an Address Book database for you. Although you can specify the name of the Estimates database in the wizard, the name of the default Address Book is always the name you give to the Estimates database, appended with “_AddressBook” (for example, ESTIMATES_AddressBook).

When do I use Address Book in Sage Estimating (SQL)?

For example, when you need to assign a subcontractor or a vendor to an item, you can open the Address Book contact selection list from the estimate, and then select the subcontractor you want to use. If the contact does not exist in Address Book, you can easily add it "on the fly," from the estimate.

You also use the Sage Estimating (SQL) Address Book when:

  • Editing a company or person contact.
  • Specifying a client, engineer, or architect company for an estimate.
  • Selecting the default subcontractor or vendor for a material class (Material Class window).

What if I want to use a different Address Book?

When migrating data from Estimating (Pervasive), you can also migrate an Address Book that you were using with that product. Existing contact information is copied into the default Address Book database during the migration process, so that you do not have to recreate contact information in Sage Estimating (SQL) (SQL).

You can also use the Estimating Management Console Restore tool to restore Address Book data from a backup copy, for example, from another SQL instance. If the backed-up Address Book database has the same name as the default Address Book, the Restore process simply replaces the existing Address Book. If the backed-up Address Book has a different name, you can switch to that Address Book after restoring it. For more information, see Using a different Address Book.

How does Sage Estimating (SQL) know which Address Book database to use?

Sage Estimating (SQL) uses only one Address Book database. You define the Address Book database using the Installation wizard when you first install Estimating with a new SQL instance. You can change this selection in the Estimating Management Console when you search from the Address Book pane.