Using the ribbon menu

You use the ribbon menu to navigate to the various windows in Sage Estimating (SQL). The ribbon layout groups similar tasks on the same tab. For example, tasks related to the estimate spreadsheet, such as those for modifying the spreadsheet layout, are found on the Home tab as shown in the following figure.

the Home tab on the ribbon

Tasks are further grouped within each tab according to functionality. Spreadsheet manipulation functions, for example, are found in the Spreadsheet Display group of the Home tab.

Important! Certain capabilities, menus, and icons described in help are available only if you have purchased the associated module

Double-click any tab on the ribbon (Home, Takeoff, Reports, Data, or Advanced) to collapse the ribbon and save space. The collapsed ribbon appears as shown in the following figure.

the collapsed ribbon

Ribbon tabs remain visible while the ribbon is collapsed. Hover the cursor over any tab on the collapsed ribbon if you want to view the ribbon contents.

Double-click any tab again to expand the ribbon.

Right-click on any task icon and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar to add it to the Quick Access toolbar. Alternatively, remove any task icon from the Quick Access toolbar by right-clicking on it and selecting Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.

Click any of the tab links below to learn more about its associated tasks.