Duplicate Estimate window

Use this window to enter the information that Sage Estimating (SQL) needs to duplicate an estimate. Sage Estimating (SQL) creates the estimate when you click [OK].


In Estimating and the Estimating Management Console, copying an estimate makes an exact copy of an existing estimate. Duplicating an estimate copies the estimate, and it lets you:

  • Clear quantities and amounts from the original estimate.
  • Restrict access to the estimate to administrators.

Items in this window

Duplicate Estimate fields
Item Notes
<Source estimate>

If an estimate is open, its name appears in this field. If you do not want to use this estimate as the source estimate, type the name of another estimate or browse to locate the estimate you want to copy.

Note: The new estimate is stored in the same SQL Server instance and estimate database as the specified source estimate.

<Target branch>

Select the branch of the estimate catalog where you want your to display the new estimate. For example, if you want to display estimates by location and project name, and you are creating a new estimate for the "building electrical" project at City Hall, select the City Hall branch.

When copying an estimate, you can create a new branch for the copied estimate. In the Copy Estimate window, browse to the parent folder or branch, right-click, then click New > Branch. Name the new branch, and then click [OK].

Note: The branch is displayed for organizational purposes only. All estimates are stored on the same level in the specified estimate database.

<New estimate> Type the name of the new estimate you are creating.
Clear quantities and amounts checkbox

Tells Sage Estimating (SQL) what to do with the quantities and amounts in the new estimate.

Setting Result

Keeps quantities and amounts.

Removes quantities and amounts.

Restrict view/edit access to Estimating administratorscheckbox

Do not select this option if you want Sage Estimating (SQL) to copy the view and edit access from the source estimate to the new estimate. Select it to allow access only to Estimating administrators.

Setting Result

Copies the view and edit access from the source estimate to the new estimate.

Restricts access to the new estimate to administrators.