Help command

The Help commands provide a variety of resources for learning about Sage Estimating (SQL).

  • Help Topics displays the main application help, with hundreds of topics about the operation of Sage Estimating (SQL).
  • What's This (in the classic view) changes the cursor to Tooltip help icon so you can select an item in a window and view help information about the item.

    In the ribbon view, you click the What's This icon An image of the WHat's This icon available on the ribbon on the ribbon to perform the same task.

  • What's New displays the Release Notes for the version of Sage Estimating (SQL) you are using.
  • Product Documents displays a web page with links to guides and other documentation for the current version and previous versions of Estimating.
  • Sage Support provides links to Knowledgebase, downloads and updates, Live Chat, as well as links to submit a support ticket and to start a session while a support technician is helping you.
  • Online Community takes you to the Sage Estimating online forum, a discussion group for the Sage Estimating (SQL) community on Sage City.
  • The Users Group displays the home page for TUG (The Users Group for Sage Construction and Real Estate Solutions).
  • Sage University takes you to Sage University, your Sage training resource.
  • Sage Estimating Home Page opens the Sage North America home page.
  • Submit Product Idea opens a web page where you can submit your suggestions for improving Sage Estimating, and vote on others' ideas.
  • About Sage Estimatingdisplays the copyright notice and version number for your copy of Sage Estimating (SQL).

Not all of the menu options are available for Sage Estimating Essential. However, the following menu command is available only for Sage Estimating Essential:

  • Essential Suite Help Videos displays a selection of video demonstrations so you can learn more about basic Sage Estimating (SQL) Essential operations.