Copying standard database information to an estimate

You can copy elements such as phases from a standard database to an estimate. This is convenient if you change the standard database and want to update existing estimates with the new information.

Use this procedure for crews, material classes, phases, rate tables, subcategories, and WBS values.

To copy a standard database element to an estimate:

  1. From the spreadsheet, select Edit <Element> on the shortcut menu from the associated column or row in the spreadsheet. For example, if you want to copy a phase from the standard database to the estimate, right-click in a phase row and select Edit Phase.
  2. In the Database <Element> window, choose Estimate for the Source.
  3. Click [Add] then [Copy].
  4. In the Estimate <Element> List window, select Database for the Source.
  5. Double-click the standard database Element from the list to place it in the Adding Estimate <Element>window. If desired, make changes. Any changes you make affect the current estimate, not the standard database Element.
  6. Click [OK] to save the element to the estimate.
  7. You can copy other standard database element in the same manner. When you finish, click [Close].