Excel workbook files have the following characteristics:

  • The report is exported creating a workbook with one, two, or three worksheets.
  • If you selected the Print Cover Page checkbox in the Report Options window, the first sheet is the Cover.
  • The second sheet that contains the body of the report is called Report.
  • If you selected the Print Estimate Totals and New Page Totals checkboxes in the Report Options window, the third sheet is called Totals.
  • The headers and footers are not exported.
  • Page breaks are ignored.
  • Page setup settings are ignored.
  • Columns and rows align correctly.
  • The data is readable and formatting is maintained.
  • Excel spreadsheets do not include any math or other logic such as sums and formulas. They are data only. However, exporting the Spreadsheet report to Microsoft Excel does export all formulas associated with the spreadsheet.
  • For example, if your spreadsheet is set up to report the Labor Amount (Labor Quantity column * the Labor Price column), clicking on the Labor Amount column in the Excel spreadsheet reveals the resulting calculation formula as I4*K4 (where I4 is the Labor Quantity column and K4 is the Labor Price column).