Sort levels

Sort levels enable you to organize items in the spreadsheet and on reports in ways other than the commonly used group phase and phase levels. For example, you might want to see items by location, material class, or work breakdown structure (WBS).

Example: Group Phase, Phase, Item

  • 3.000 CONCRETE
    •  3.101 Footing Concrete
      •   c 20 Footing Conc 2000 psi
    •  3.105 Footing Forms
      •   f Footing Forms
  • 6.000 WOOD & PLASTICS
    •  6.120 Ceiling Joists
      •   s2 1 Ceiling Joist 2x4x8 S&B
    •  6.410 Wood Siding
      •   c 17 Yellow Pine 1x6

Example: Location, Phase, Item

  • Exterior
    •  6.410 Wood Siding
      •   c 17 Yellow Pine 1x6
  • First Floor
    •  3.101 Footing Concrete
      •   c 20 Footing Conc 2000 psi
    •  3.105 Footing Forms
      •   f Footing Forms
  • Second Floor
    •  6.120 Ceiling Joists
      •   s2 1 Ceiling Joist 2x4x8 S&B