Adjustment type options 

Sage Estimating (SQL) uses the Adjustment type to calculate the adjusted values for the cells you selected.

  • Percent increases or decreases each value by the specified percent.
    For example, 1000 + 10% = 1100
  • Multiply multiplies each value by the specified amount.
    For example, 1000 x 10 = 10000
  • Divide divides each value by the specified amount.
    For example, 1000 / 10 = 100
  • Replace replaces each value with the specified amount.
    For example, 1000 = 10
  • Add changes each value by adding the specified amount.
    For example, 1000 + 10 = 1010
  • Spread distributes the specified amount to each cell based on its percent of the original total. It is available from the Amount, Price, Total Amount, and Total Cost/Unit columns.
    For example, 12 to 750 and 250 = 759 and 253 respectively.

If the status bar shows a variance, the Spread option takes addons into account. Example

  • Undo adjustment restores the original value of each cell with a pending adjustment.
  • Finalize adjustment saves adjusted values to the estimate and clears the red triangle from each cell.

Note: After finalizing an adjustment, there is no way to restore the original value.