Scan command

Use this command to find incomplete items in the spreadsheet.

  • On the ribbon, from the Tools group on the Home tab, click Scan Estimate.
  • In classic view, click PricingScan, or click An image of the Scan Button, available in classic view on the toolbar.

The Sage Estimating (SQL) software checks for takeoff quantities, prices, amounts, and the subcontractor name if an item has a subcontract amount. An item is incomplete if any cell contains a zero or blank entry.


  • Each scan begins at your current position in the spreadsheet and stops at the first incomplete cell. If necessary, the spreadsheet expands to show the item.
  • The scan also stops at highlighted cells, so you can review highlighted cells efficiently.
  • Continue scanning and fixing until there are no incomplete entries.
  • To have the scan skip cells that are intentionally blank, enter a hyphen (-) or an asterisk (*).
  • Upon finding an incomplete entry in a hidden column, Sage Estimating (SQL) shows the hidden column and positions you there.
  • If a column is set with no decimal places showing, the scan stops for cells containing values less than 50 cents.
  • From the keyboard, press F7.