Keyboard Shortcuts from Sage Estimating (Pervasive)

If you used keyboard shortcuts in Sage Estimating (Pervasive), you might find that some of the shortcut keys you relied on function differently in Sage Estimating (SQL).

This topic identifies the shortcut keys that have changed, and shows you how to accomplish frequent tasks with new shortcut keys.

Keys to use in Estimating (SQL))
If you used these keys in Estimating (Pervasive) . . . To perform this task . . . Use these keys in Estimating (SQL)
Ctrl + O Move to the first Other column Ctrl + Shift + O
(Ctrl + O now opens an estimate.)
N/A Hide the current column Ctrl + 0
Alt + T + Q Move to Quick Takeoff Alt + T + Y05

Apart from these changes, you can continue to use the familiar shortcut keys, for which the behavior is unchanged in Estimating (SQL).