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Displaying estimates in tabs

If you enjoy using tabbed browsers, you will probably want to turn on the Display estimates in tabs option so you can display your estimates in tabs that you can dock or arrange in various ways. This option provides an alternate way to view estimates, rather than in traditional windows.

When you display estimates this way, item takeoff or assembly takeoff also appears in a tab. (You can have only one takeoff open at a time.)

You can display all the tabs in a single group above the spreadsheet grid, or you can partition the spreadsheet workspace so you can view estimates side-by-side, for easy comparison.

To create a separate group of tabs, partition the workspace horizontally or vertically by dragging an estimate tab to the right edge or the bottom edge of the workspace. Then, you can drag other estimate tabs to the new group.

Note: You can arrange the partitions either horizontally or vertically.