Edit Spreadsheet Layout Details window

You use this window to customize the appearance of the spreadsheet to suit your needs.

In addition to the width, font, color, and other properties of each column, you decide which columns are visible, how many columns to lock (to prevent them from scrolling), and whether to show grid lines. After you set up a layout for a particular purpose, you can save it to apply at a later time.  


Open the Edit Spreadsheet Layout Details window in one of these ways:

  • On the ribbon, on the Home tab, click [Edit].
  • In the Spreadsheet Layouts window, click [Add] or [Edit].
  • On the spreadsheet, right-click the sequence tab, and then click Edit Layout on the shortcut menu.
  • In the Insert Columns window, click [Edit Layout].

For more information, click the Help icon available on the ribbon on the title bar of the window, and then click a field or button.


  • To display the spreadsheet using a particular layout, select the layout by name from the list box.
  • When you display a spreadsheet sequence, Sage Estimating (SQL) uses the layout you last applied to the sequence.
  • You can change the order of the spreadsheet columns from this window. Select the column name you want to move, and then click Reposition Column to move the column to a new location.

Items in this window