Takeoff Quantity column

This spreadsheet column shows the takeoff quantity and takeoff unit for each item. The quantity is the result of the formula calculations or digitized dimensions specified during takeoff. It is important to start with the correct takeoff quantity because it is used to calculate the order quantities for each category.


  • You can enter quantities at any level, but the unit can be changed only at the item level. Any change to the quantity or unit applies only to the current estimate.
  • You can use a formula, the calculator or ePlan Takeoff to obtain a takeoff quantity.
  • To enter the same quantity for several items, choose Fill Down on the shortcut menu.
  • The quantity and unit description are actually separate columns. They can have different characteristics and offer different commands on the shortcut menu.
  • Collapse the spreadsheet to see values for the upper two levels. The Options command controls whether information displays when the levels are expanded.
  • The Detail window shows additional information about how the takeoff quantity is used for an item.