Hints for working in the spreadsheet

  • Each entry you make in the spreadsheet is saved to the hard disk as soon as you leave the cell. There is no need to worry about losing data if the power goes out or if you forget to save your work.
  • The shortcut menu offers a set of commands specific to each cell and for the column and row headers.
  • Arrange windows in a cascade or tile pattern to make it easier to view multiple estimates. To see a window hidden by another window, choose its name on the Window menu.
  • The Spreadsheet Layout command lets you apply a different layout or set up layouts and save them for future use.
  • The sequence tabs at the bottom of the Spreadsheet window let you change the order of items in the spreadsheet.
  • To select an entire column or row, click the column or row header. To select the entire spreadsheet, click the top left corner of the column header.
  • To expand or collapse a single level, double-click its row header.
  • To move a column, click the column header and drag the column to its new position.
  • To make a hidden column visible, select the columns on either side of it and choose Show Hidden Columns on the shortcut menu.
  • To change the width of a column, drag the right border of its header in either direction. You can find the middle border in a double column by moving the pointer slowly across the column header.
  • To change the height of the header row, drag the bottom border at the far left in either direction.
  • To adjust the width of a column to fit its contents, double-click the right border of the column header.
  • Lock some of the leftmost columns to prevent them from scrolling out of sight.
  • There are double columns that include both a number and a unit description. These are separate columns with different characteristics and different commands on the shortcut menu.
  • To change the font for a row, right-click the row header, choose the Font command, and specify the new settings in the Font window.
  • To fill the selected cells in a column with the contents of the first cell in the selection, use the Fill Down command on the shortcut menu.
  • Use the Spreadsheet options on the Preferences tab of the Estimating Management Console to set up preferences for the spreadsheet.