Assigning items to a location, alternate, and WBS values

You can assign each item in your estimate to a location, an alternate, and one or more work breakdown structures (WBS).

Sage Estimating (SQL) provides several ways of doing this. The quickest way is to set up defaults that apply to all items selected for takeoff after that.

To assign a default location, alternate, or WBS values to an estimate:

  1. Display the Item Takeoff Settings pane:

    • On the ribbon, from the Takeoff group on the Takeoff tab, click Default Values.
    • In classic view, click View menu > Item Takeoff Settings.

    The grid lists the Takeoff and Detail-type WBS codes set up for the standard database.

  2. In the Item Takeoff Settings pane, enter the default WBS values, location, and alternate (as needed) for the next batch of items you take off.

    Tip: To select a WBS value from a list of values set up for a WBS code, right-click in the Value cell, and then click List <WBS>.

Sage Estimating (SQL) uses your entries to fill in the location, alternate item, and WBS values automatically for this takeoff and subsequent takeoffs until you click the Default Values button again, closing the Item Takeoff Settings pane and turning off the automatic assignment. (In classic view, you click the Item Takeoff Settings An image of the Item Takeoff Settings button in Classic view button.)

You can also enter the location and WBS values for individual items manually in the takeoff grid or in the spreadsheet (WBS column).

Either way, you can change the location and WBS assignments later in the spreadsheet columns or Detail window.