Setting up a new factor table
Factor tables are used to store adjustment or productivity factors that Sage Estimating (SQL) can use to reprice an estimate.
A factor table that adjusts item costs for a different location or currency.
- A factor table that reduces labor required to reflect the increased productivity of a particularly experienced crew.
- A factor table that increases labor required to reflect reduced productivity when performing work in adverse conditions.
To set up a new factor table:
Open the Factor Tables window.
- On the ribbon, from the Adjustments group on the Data tab, click Factor Tables.
Accept Database as the source.
Note: You cannot add a new factor table to an estimate. You must first create the table for the database, and then apply it to the estimate in the Estimating Information window or by repricing the estimate using the factor table.
- Click [Add].
Complete the fields at the top of the window.
In the Factor Table table, enter the ID of the first (From) and last record (To) for each range you want to multiply by a certain factor. You can click
to choose from a list of phases.
Note: When you add a new phase range, Sage Estimating (SQL) automatically enters *Last Phase* in the To column for the last item in the standard database, but you can change this entry.
- Enter the adjustment or productivity factor for the desired category: Labor, Labor Productivity, Material, Subcontractor, Equipment, Equipment Productivity, or Other. Sage Estimating (SQL) will multiply the original amount by the factor you enter here.
To set up another factor table, click [Add] to add a line for a new factor table, and repeat steps 5 and 6.
- When you finish adding factor tables, click [Close].
- Sage Estimating (SQL) displays factors in decimals, not percentages. A factor of 98.1%, for example, appears as 0.981.
- You can assign a new factor table to an estimate on the Main tab of the Estimate Information window (on the Home tab, or in classic view, on the Takeoff menu).
- Factor tables created in Sage Estimating (SQL) are marked as modified.
- When you enter a group phase in the To column, Sage Estimating (SQL) applies the factor table up to the last item that falls within the group.