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Changing an existing rate table
Note: This feature is available only if you have a license to use Crews.
Open the Database Rate Table window in one of the following ways:
- On the ribbon, from the Crews group on the Data tab, click Rate Tables.
- In classic view, select Database menu > Crews > Rate Tables.
- Select the rate table you want to change.
- The Source option indicates where the displayed rate table is stored. You can change a rate table in either the estimate or the standard database.
- You can click
to choose from a list of existing rate tables in either the estimate or standard database, or scroll through the rate tables using [<<] and [>>].
- Make changes as needed.
- To rename the rate table, click [Rename], and then enter the new name in the Rate table field.
- To change a resource rate, click the cell, and then enter the new rate.
- To add, delete, or modify resources in the rate table, move the cursor to the resource name or description cell and right-click to display your options. How?
- To change the heading for a benefit/other cost column, right-click the column heading, right-click, and then select Change Benefit Column from the shortcut menu. Enter the new heading in the Changing Benefit Column window, and then click [OK].
- To change how the rate for a benefit/other cost column is calculated, right-click the column heading, and then select the desired option from the shortcut menu: Amount per Unit or Percent of Base Rate.
For more information, click
on the title bar of the window and then click a field or button.
- When you finish changing the rate table, click [OK] to save it.
- Change other rate tables in the same manner. When you finish, click [Close].
- Changes to a rate table affect only future take off items. To apply changes to existing items, select Crews from the Repricing group on the Takeoff tab. (In classic view, click Pricing menu > Reprice Crews).
- To sort the resources in the rate grid by description, right-click the Description column heading and select Sort by Description from the shortcut menu.
- To sort the resources in the rate grid by name (ID), right-click the Resource column heading and select Sort by Resource ID from the shortcut menu.