Item Takeoff Settings window
Use this window to specify what location or WBS valuesSage Estimating (SQL) should automatically assign to items during takeoff. Sage Estimating (SQL) continues prefilling this information until you change it or turn the feature off.
To open the Itemm Takeoff Settings window:
- On the ribbon, from the Takeoff group on the Takeoff tab, click Default Values.
- In classic view, click View menu > Item Takeoff Settings.
For more information, click on the toolbar
and then click a field or button.
- Click
to choose the location.
- To select a WBS value, right-click in a Value cell, and then click List <WBS>.
- Click [Clear] to erase your entries and start over. Before you click [OK], you can use [Cancel] to restore the previous entries.
- When this feature is activated, a ü appears next to Item Takeoff Settings.
- You can "float" the Item Takeoff Settings window or dock it to the outer edge of the Sage Estimating (SQL) window. For more information, see Docking and Window Positioning.