About the Sage 100 Contractor API

The Sage 100 Contractor application program interface (API) enables you to use Sage Estimating (SQL) to perform the same tasks that you would perform when using Sage 100 Contractor . The API allows your Sage Estimating (SQL) application to insert, delete, modify, or retrieve data from one or more Sage 100 Contractor company databases.

Before you can set up integration, you must:

  1. Create an API security group using the 7-2-1 Security Groups window.

  2. Assign the API security group to users who require access to integration features in Sage Estimating (SQL).

  3. If the Sage 100 Contractor company uses field security, do one of the following:

    • Assign all job, proposal, budget and change order fields to the API security group.

    • Assign a security group that allows access to all job, proposal, budget, and change order fields to all users who require access to integration features in Sage Estimating (SQL).


  • To set up security in Sage 100 Contractor, you must be a company administrator. For more information, see the help for that application.
  • Working in the Sage 100 Contractor API and Sage 100 Contractor requires a license use. If no more license uses are available, the API program responds with an alert message. For more information about licensing issues, see the Sage 100 Contractor help.