External Report Database Configuration Catalog toolbar
External Report Database Configuration Catalog pane
This pane displays a list of the external report database configurations in the SQL Server instance.
Configurations in this pane are organized by branches and sub-branches. Branches are indicated by folder icons that appear in the list under the All Configurations folder icon. Click the arrow icon to the left of any configuration folder icon to display its branches and sub-branches.
To display this pane, click [External Report ] at the top of the Estimating Management Console. The External Report Database Configuration Catalog is the left-hand pane of the External Report window.
Select any configuration in the list to display its details in the detail pane (to the right of the navigation pane).
Tip: When you select a configuration in the catalog pane, you can view certain statistics for the configuration in the status bar, including the number of estimates included and excluded, the number of estimates for which data was generated and the number for which the generated data is out-of-date, the number of estimates that are locked, and the number of estimates with errors.
You can add a branch or sub-branch, remove a branch, and rename an existing branch by selecting it and then clicking the add branch icon on the External Report Database Configuration Catalog toolbar. You can also right-click the icon, and then select the command you need.
You can delete or rename any configuration by right-clicking it, and then selecting the required command.