Creating sample data for report designs

Before you create report designs, you can use Report Manager to generate report sample data. Report Manager creates tables for the sample data in a separate custom reports database based on one or more representative estimates that you select. You can then use the tables and the fields contained in this sample database to set up your report design in Crystal Reports.

Note: Report designer databases are not created automatically for all users. The databases are created only when you generate sample design data.

After creating the sample data, you can create any number of report designs that will extract data from the same custom report database.

The following steps describe how to create sample data for Crystal Reports report designs.

To create sample data for your report designs:

  1. On the toolbar, click [Report Manager].
  2. Click New Report > Crystal Report.
  3. In the New Report window:

    1. In the Report box, type a name for the report you want to create.
    2. From the File Name box, browse to and select an existing report design (.RPT) file.
    3. If you want to change the order that information appears on the report:
      1. For the Sequence option, select Custom,.
      2. Click the browse button The Browse button beside the option.
      3. In the left-hand pane of the Edit Grouping Hierarchy window that appears, select fields that represent the information you want appear on the report, clicking the right arrow key to include each one in the report sequence.

        Use the up and down arrow keys to specify the order that this information will appear on the report:

    4. Click [OK].
  4. Select one or more estimates from the grid (lower right-hand pane) to use for sample data, and then click [Generate Data].
  5. When prompted to select options for the report working data, click [OK] to accept the default selection.

    Report Manager stores the sample data in a custom reports database, where it is available to use when you are designing reports.

  6. Click [Check In].