Creating a simple estimate report using SAP Crystal Reports®

This topic describes how to use SAP Crystal Reports, specifically, to create a report that prints data for a selected estimate in Sage Estimating. You can adapt these general steps for the report designer you are using.

The following instructions assume that:

  • You have a Report Designer role.
  • You understand how to use the Crystal Reports Designer.
  • You are using Crystal Reports 2013 with Support Pack 2. If you use a different version, the workflow may be different.

Before you start

Before creating a report design for Sage Estimating, you need to:

Use the Standard Report Creation Wizard to create an estimate report

All of the following steps and parameters are required to report on a Sage Estimating estimate.

After creating the report, add it to Estimating Management Console

When you finish the report design, you need to make the report available to Sage Estimating by adding it to the Report Manager in the Estimating Management Console.

To add a new estimate report to the Report Manager, follow the steps in Adding a report to the Report Manager: