Set Up External Tools window

Use this window to set up commands that enable operators to start external software programs without having to leave Sage Estimating (SQL).

Programs you set up appear in the External Tools List window that you open from the Advanced tab (Interface menu in classic view).

You can also make a tool available to all Estimating users, if you have permission to edit global settings.

Note: For another user to run a shared program from the External Tools List, it must be installed on their computer or shared through a mapped drive.

Items in this window

Item Notes
Menu Contents

Displays a list of the external programs as they appear on the External Tools list. You can change the order and appearance of external programs appearing on the list using the following buttons:

  • Up arrow moves the selected program up in the order of listed programs.
  • Down arrow moves the selected program down in the order of listed programs.
  • Plus sign adds a new program to the External Tools list.
  • Minus sign removes the selected program from the External Tools list.

Type the label of the external software program as you want it to appear in the External Tools list.


Type the file path to the .exe, .bat, .cmd, or other external software file that you want to start when the program is selected from the External Tools list. If desired, you can also browse to the software file by clicking the browse button. The Ellipsis button used to browse a list of items


Type any additional command information ("arguments") that you want to provide to the external software program upon starting. For example, you can add the file path for a target file such as c:\data\account.xls.

You can specify more than one argument for a command. However, each argument must be separated by a space. If a single argument includes a space, enclose it in quotation marks (" ").

If desired, click the arrow key to the right of the Arguments box to select from a list of existing variables that you can use with your argument. The following variables are available:

Variable Syntax Description
Estimate database instance name $(EstimateDBInstanceName) The SQL connection string for the current estimate database. For example: Data Source=COMPUTER01\SAGE_ESTIMATING;Initial Catalog=MyEstimates.
Estimate database name $(EstimateDBName) Name of the estimate database.
Estimate name $(EstimateName) Name of the currently active estimate.
Estimate ID $(EstimateId) Identifier of the currently active estimate. Use this variable to query all estimate database rows belonging to the estimate.
Estimate global data source ID (EstimateGlobalId) The unique global identifier of the currently active estimate.
Initial Directory

Type the working directory for the external software program or click the browse button to browse for it. The Ellipsis button used to browse a list of items

Generate External Report Data

If you use the external program with external report data, select this option to generate up-to-date report data when you start the program from the External Tools List.


Click to save your changes and close the External Tools window.


Click to close the External Tools window without saving your changes.


Click to put your changes into effect. The External Tools window remains open.