Opening an estimate

  1. Open the Estimate Catalog if it is not already open. On the Home tab of the Estimating spreadsheet, in the Catalogs group, click Estimates.

    The Estimate Catalog opens, displaying a list of estimates in your Estimates database.

  2. Use the arrows in the catalog pane to display the branches with the estimates you want to work with.

    Tip: To move quickly from node to node in the Estimate Catalog , use the arrow keys. For example, to navigate to the previous node on the tree, press the Left arrow key or the Up arrow key. To collapse the branch, press the Left arrow key a second time.

  3. Double-click the estimate to open it on a tab in the spreadsheet.


  • You can have more than one estimate open at a time.
  • When you open an estimate, Sage Estimating automatically opens the associated standard database at the same time.
  • If you used the estimate without a standard database the last time you worked with it, Sage Estimating (SQL) does not open a standard database.
  • You can attach a different standard database to an estimate by choosing File Open Standard Database while the estimate is open. The new standard database remains attached to the estimate until you close it or open a different standard database.