Changing the fonts used on the spreadsheet

To change the font used for rows in a spreadsheet layout:

  1. Open the Spreadsheet Layouts: Phase/Item window in one of the following ways:

    • On the ribbon, from the Sequence group on the Home tab, click [Layout].
    • In classic view, click ViewSpreadsheet Layout, or click The Layout Button, available in classic view on the toolbar.
  2. From the list on the Shared Layouts tab or the My Layouts tab, select the layout you want to modify, and then click [Edit] to open the Modify Spreadsheet Layout window.

  3. Click [Row Settings] to open the Modify Row Settings window.

    The Font window opens so you can specify the font, style, size, effects, color, and script.

  4. Select the type of row you want to modify, and then click [Font].

  5. Change the settings in the Font window as needed, and then click [OK] to close the window.

To change the font used for a spreadsheet column:

  1. Double-click the column heading to open the Column Properties window.
  2. Click [Font].
  3. Change the settings in the Font window as needed, and then click [OK] to close the window.
  4. Click [OK] in the Column Properties window.

To change the font used for a column heading in a spreadsheet layout:

  1. Open the Spreadsheet Layouts: Phase/Item window in one of the following ways:

    • On the ribbon, from the Sequence group on the Home tab, click [Layout].
    • In classic view, click ViewSpreadsheet Layout, or click The Layout Button, available in classic view on the toolbar.
  2. From the list on the Shared Layouts tab or the My Layouts tab, select the layout you want to modify, and then click [Edit] to open the Modify Spreadsheet Layout window.

  3. Right-click the name of the column heading you want to change, and then click Column Header Font from the shortcut menu.

    The Font window opens so you can specify the font, style, size, effects, color, and script.


  • To display help for the Font window, press F1.
  • Use the Spreadsheet options in the Preferences tab of the Estimating Management Console to change the fonts used for lump amounts and for items whose total amount is zero (zero amount items).