Performing quick takeoff

Before you start

(optional) Display the Default Takeoff Values pane, and then set a location, alternate item, and work breakdown structure (WBS) values for the items you are going to take off.

  • On the ribbon, from the Takeoff group on the Takeoff tab, click Default Values.
  • In classic view, click View menu > Item Takeoff Settings.

To perform quick takeoff:

  1. Open the Quick Takeoff window.

    • On the ribbon, from the Takeoff group on the Takeoff tab, click Quick.
    • In classic view, select Takeoff menu > Quick Takeoff or click The Quick Takeoff button, available in classic view on the toolbar.
  2. (optional) You can sort the item list in a different order.

    For more information, see Sorting a list.

  3. (optional) Locate the item in the list.

    For more information, see Finding a specific entry in a list.

  4. (optional) Select the item and take it off. You can double-click (or drag and drop) the item to take it off. The item appears at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Take off additional items in the same manner. Use standard Microsoft Windows selection methods to select multiple items in the list.

  5. Enter or calculate the item takeoff quantities. To calculate quantities you can:

After performing quick takeoff

To see the items in takeoff order on the spreadsheet while you work, click the Takeoff Order tab.