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Users tab

Add User window

Use this window to identify users who are authorized to use Sage Estimating.

You assign either of two types of authentication to an Estimating user:

  • Windows Authentication. Most companies should use this method, particularly in a networked environment.

    You use the Windows Authentication tab to select a network user ID for individual users or groups to add to the list of authorized Estimating users.

  • SQL Server Authentication. You can use this method if you require the convenience of a networked system, but you do not have a domain.

    You use the SQL Server Authentication tab to add a SQL Server user ID to the list of authorized Estimating users.

    Important! You need to create new users for SQL authentication in the Estimating Management Console to ensure that they are set up properly. You will not be able to select existing SQL users in the Add User window.

The user associated with the user ID you select appears in the Users grid on the Users tab. If you select a network group, all the users associated with that group appear in the Users grid.

To open this window:

Click [Security] at the top of the Estimating Management Console, select the Users tab from the Security window, and then click [Add].

Important! Make sure that the user logs off Sage Estimating before changing his or her permissions.

Items in this window

Items in the Add User window
Item Notes

Select an available role from the list to assign it to the user, if desired.

You can change the associated role later from the Users tab.

User or Group ID

Displays the network user ID of the user or group that you want to add to the list of authorized Sage Estimating users.

Click [Search] to select a user ID from a list of all network user and group ID's or type it directly in the box.

If you know the user ID of the user you want to add, and you do not want to perform a search for all network user ID's, Sage recommends typing the user ID in the box.

Click to reset the Role box to a blank, if you need to add a user without a role.


Click to perform a search for all available user and group user ID's on the network to which the Estimating Management Console is connected.

Select any network user ID or group from the resulting list to add the user or users to the list of authorized Sage Estimating users.

Note: If you select a network group, the Estimating Management Console adds all users in the group to the Users grid on the Users tab.

First name

Displays the first name of the user associated with the selected user ID. The Estimating Management Console provides this information for reference purposes to confirm the identity of the selected user.

Note: This box appears only if you specify an individual user in the User Id box.

Last name

Displays the last name of the user associated with the selected user ID. The Estimating Management Console provides this information for reference purposes to confirm the identity of the selected user.

Note: This box appears only if you specify an individual user in the User Id box.


Displays the first and last name of all users in the selected group. Each user is added to the list of authorized users in the Users grid of the Users tab.

Note: This box appears only if you specify a network group in the User Id box.