Users tab

Use this tab in the Security window to add users to the list of authorized Sage Estimating users and to assign each user to a role.

Important! Ensure an individual user logs off Sage Estimating before making changes to his or her permissions.

To display this tab, click [Security] at the top of the Estimating Management Console, and then select the Users tab from the Security window.

Items on this tab

Items on the Users tab
Item Notes
Users grid

Displays a list of users authorized to access Sage Estimating.

The Users grid provides the following information and features:

  • User ID. The user's computer or network user ID.

  • Group Name. The network group to through which the user was added to the Users grid, if applicable. For example, if you add the West Side Estimators group to the Users grid (through the Add User window), Sage Estimating adds all users within the West Side Estimators group to the Users grid automatically.

  • First Name. The user's first name as it appears in the domain or computer user setup. You must change the user's name on the computer or domain setup to change it in the Users grid.

  • Last Name. The user's last name as it appears in the domain or computer setup. You must change the user's name on the computer or domain setup to change it in the Users grid.

  • Disabled. Select this checkbox to disable the user in Sage Estimating. The disabled user is then unable to perform or access features and tasks in Sage Estimating. Clear the checkbox to re-enable the user.


Displays a list of Sage Estimating feature groups ("roles") to which you can assign users from the Users grid.

Select any user listed in the Users grid then select a role from the Roles list to assign the user to that role.


Displays a list of features or tasks to which the user selected in the Users grid has permissions.

Select any role in the Roles list to view its permissions.

Assign feature and task-specific permissions to each role from the Roles tab.


Click to open the Add User window to add a new user or group of users to the list of users in the Users grid.


Click to remove the selected user from the Users grid.

When you are prompted to confirm the deletion in the Delete User(s) dialog box, you can select the Delete login(s) from SQL Server instance option. (If the user's name has changed in the active directory, you must delete the login from the instance.)


Click to update the information displayed for the user currently selected in the Users grid.

Some user properties, such as names, may change on the network. Use this feature to update your list of users to match the network.