Setting up roles and permissions in the Security window

Note: You must be a Sage Estimating administrator to set up roles and permissions.

Use this window to set up your Sage Estimating roles and permissions. Add new users, define new roles, and add corresponding feature permissions to roles in this window.

On the Estimates tab of this window, you can also:

  • Set user permissions for individual estimates.
  • Allow all users to view and edit all estimates, or limit the ability to view or edit individual estimates' user permissions according to their roles existing permissions by allowing all users.

Security permissions are assigned on an instance-wide basis. That is, the Estimating Management Console assigns all roles and permissions you define for the SQL Server instance selected in the Catalog pane to all Sage Estimating databases in that instance. For example, if you select an instance in the Catalogs pane of your Estimating Management Console called SAGE_EST_12_1, the individual users, groups, roles, and permissions you create in the Security window apply to all Sage Estimating databases in the SAGE_EST_12_1 instance.

Right-click the estimate database listed in the left-hand pane, and then select Turn security on or Turn security off to turn on or turn off the security feature.

To open the Security window:

Click [Security] at the top of the Estimating Management Console.

Tabs in this window

Tabs in the Security window
Tab Notes
Users tab Add individual users and groups to the list of authorized Sage Estimating users; assign users and groups to roles.
Roles tab Define roles and associate task or feature permissions with each role.
Estimates tab Set user access and permissions to individual estimates.