Roles tab

Use this tab of the Security window to create roles for Sage Estimating users and to assign permissions for accessing Sage Estimating tasks and features.

Important! Ensure an individual user logs off Sage Estimating before making changes to his or her permissions.

For example, if you want to create a group of users who have permissions to view and edit estimates but not create new ones, you might create a new role called "Jr. Operator" using this tab. Use this tab to then assign permissions for viewing and editing estimates to the new role.

Select any Sage Estimating instance in the Catalogs pane to assign roles and permissions to that instance.

To display this tab, click [Estimates] at the top of the Estimating Management Console, and then select the Roles tab from the Security window.

Items on this tab

Items on the Roles tab
Item Notes

Displays all roles currently available in the Estimating Management Console.

The Roles grid provides the following information and features:

  • Name: The name of the role.
  • Description: An extended description of the role to help identify its purpose, for example.
  • Disabled: Select this checkbox to turn off the role for use in Sage Estimating. Clear the checkbox to turn on the role.
  • Disabling a role that has users or groups already assigned to it removes all permissions for the associated users and groups. You must assign the affected users and groups to another role before they can access Sage Estimating features.

    For example, suppose you have a network group named "California Branch Estimators" and you add them to the "Junior Estimator" role, thereby giving them estimate editing permissions. If you disable the Junior Estimator role later, all users in the "California Branch Estimators" network group lose the ability to view and edit estimates in Sage Estimating.

    Note: If an user or group also belongs to another role, he or she retains security permissions assigned to that role.

Click [Add] to create a new role or select a role and click [Delete] to remove it from the list. You can edit any of the roles in the grid, including associated feature permissions, by clicking [Edit].

Users list Displays a list of authorized Sage Estimating users who have been added to the Estimating Management Console from the Users tab.

Displays a list of Sage Estimating features and tasks that are assigned to the selected role.

Assign features to the role by clicking [Edit] to open the Edit Role window.


Click to open the Add Role window to define a new role in Sage Estimating.


Click to open the Edit Role window to edit details for the selected role, such as the associated users, groups, or features.

Note: You cannot edit the Administrators role. The Edit button is unavailable when you select Administrator from the Roles grid.


Removes the selected role from the grid.