Estimates tab

Use this tab to set operator access to individual estimates. You can allow individual users to view an estimate, edit it, or you can restrict access to the estimate altogether.

You can also set global estimate security, allowing all users to view and edit all estimates.

Important! Ensure an individual user logs off Sage Estimating before making changes to his or her permissions.

The Estimates tab is divided into two main panes. The top pane displays a list of all estimates in the selected instance and provides details about each. The bottom pane displays a list of all authorized Sage Estimating users (added from the Users tab). Use the bottom pane to give users viewing and editing privileges for any estimate selected in the top pane.

By default, only the user who creates an estimate can view and edit it. Those users with administrative privileges can also view and edit it but you must assign permissions to other users before they can view the estimate or save changes.

Users with the Change estimate security permissions can also assign estimate permissions from the Estimate Information window in the Sage Estimating software.

To display this tab, click [Estimates] at the top of the Estimating Management Console, and then select the Estimates tab from the Security window

Items on this tab

Items on the Estimates tab
Item Notes
Allow all users to view and edit all estimates checkbox

Select this checkbox to allow all users to view and edit all estimates, according to their roles, without your having to assign View and Edit permissions individually to each user for each estimate.

Note: Selecting this option simply overrides individual estimate security assignments for all users. It does not delete existing security assignments. To restore individual user and estimate assignments, you simply clear this checkbox.

Estimates pane Displays a list of all estimates in the instance selected in the Catalogs pane (left-hand pane).
<Users list>

Displays a list of all authorized Sage Estimating users that have been added using the Users tab.

Select a checkbox to allow the user to perform the associated functions on the estimate selected in the Estimates grid:

  • View. Allows the user to view the estimate but prevents the user from saving changes.
  • Edit. Allows the user to view, edit, and delete the estimate.

Clear the checkbox to prevent the user from performing the associated functions on the selected estimate. Users without either the View or Edit checkbox selected are unable to see the estimate in their estimate lists in the Sage Estimating software.

Note: Administrators have view and edit permissions to each estimate by default; users with administrative privileges appear in the list but you cannot change the View or Edit checkbox settings.